The indicator measures the amount of materials needed in construction, infrastructure, and durable consumer goods in different world regions. Material stocks matter in the material cycle as they accumulate materials that are unavailable for alternative use (for long periods of time) and their maintenance requires additional inputs of materials. Stocks are also potential source of secondary materials.
Questions addressed
- How much raw material is contained in buildings, infrastructure, and durable goods in a certain country or region?
- How do additions to stocks compare to domestic material extraction?
- How did material stocks develop in each region?
- Do the material stocks vary between world regions?
Data Sources
Data is currently provided by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) for nine regions.
Total amount of waste generatedMaterial stocks comprise the total material accumulated in infrastructure, buildings, and machinery in a region.
End-of-life flows from stocks accumulated by regionEnd-of-life flows are made up by materials from the demolition of material stocks at the end of their life.